Friday, March 9, 2012

We're Outta' Here!!

It's hard to believe we only have 10 days left on the ROK! It has flown by. The mover's have come, Dad had his fini flight and our plane tickets are purchased. It's feeling very final. We've been very busy the past couple of weeks just tying up loose ends, etc. Here's some pics and videos of what we've been up to.

Wearing "ajima welding masks" during an E-Mart outing. All the ajimas, older married Korean ladies, wear these. We think they are a hoot and look just like welding masks. The Koreans do NOT like the sun. They think it's crazy that Americans like to get a tan.

This is Hudson's favorite thing to do in the morning when I'm getting Elaina off to school. He LOVES for me to put on his booksack and go down the hallway with her. Wish my little love wasn't in such a hurry to grow up. I ecspecially like the look on his face while he watches his sister pose!!

Hudson LOVES him some Krispy Kreme's...he heads straight for this stand when we go to the BX-e-he's so my child!!

It was Dr. Seuss week at Elaina's school and they dressed up 1 day, so this is our version of Cindy Lou Who. I put a plastic ice cream cone in her hair to get it to stand up like that. She loved it.

Hudson walks around all the time like this. I wish I could get a shot of his sweet little hands behind his back. We call him "the surveyor" because it's like he's walking around surveying everything we do. Funny little bunny.

Doing the "korean squats" and showing off his new favorite way to carry his nigh-night. In his mouth with his hands behind his back.

Lovin' on Aiden. Notice a couch cushion is off. That's Hudson's favorite way to have the couch. If the cushion is on he grabs it and screams until you pull it off. He likes to be able to get on the couch by himself. Such a big boy.

More Love.

This is what Hudson does while I take my shower...he is into EVERYTHING!!!

Dad getting his "tail" at his fini.

Cute little (actually big) kimchi pot pig.

The pot guy. It's so awesome. See all those big pots. They don't cost more than w30,000 (about $27). What a steal. I did some major stocking up!

Doing the white belt form together. Notice Elaina is watching Aiden. That's how she tested....she watched her big brother. Let me tell you what though...she is proud of that yellow stripe belt...and she has no clue it was a "sympathy belt".

Dad pulling up in his jet at his fini flight.

The kid's and Speedy all ready to spray him down.

Climbing up to give him a "fini" kiss.

Getting him good and wet....good job kid's!

Most of the kid's at the fini (there were a few inside because as you can see it was a rainy and cold day).

The fam at the fini. He got lucky and actually was the most dry of all of us even after the spray down because he was wearing his "poopy suit". They have to wear those when they fly over the ocean and the big stinker went to the tanker that day. The suits are sealed up, so if they have to eject over the ocean they don't get wet.

The guy's in the fini. Nimitz and Frost. They have a different "poopy suit" and can wear a flight suit over it.

Breakfast....moving style. You can't tell in the picture, but Hudson loved sitting up there like that.

Busted! Dumping out all of the games...that was fun to pick up. Notice the sofa's. That is the loaner or "stick" furniture that we are living with now which we are greatful for, but it is NOT very comfortable.

Here are a few videos, too. Aiden and Elaina both tested last week. Elaina for yellow stripe belt (and it only took 2 years) and Aiden for a stripe on his red belt. In fact next Saturday Aiden is testing for his junior black belt and we are so proud of him. The last video is of Dad "parking" his plane at his fini. As you can see it was a yucky day. Is he a cool Daddy or what?!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Catch Up

Just want to do a quick catch up blog to document what we have been up to and all of Hudson's antics.

We stayed home and had a build your own pizza/movie night on New Year's Eve...

Can you tell how into it these two were!! Excited to say that this is the last year I will be able to make the call to my Mom and say "You are so last year!"

Elaina got a microphone for Christmas and Hudson likes it just as much as Elaina. What I really need is a video of him "singing".

Really getting into it.

He also loves to get Elaina's sippy cup because it has chocolate milk in it. He lays down to drink it, so he gets every last sip.

Promise you we would never have let A or E do this....lucky third child!

He got into the fridge and got a juice box. Totally thought this would be fine, but he ended up chewing a hole in it and it made quite the mess, but as you can see he's happy.


Dad was out grilling and Hud wanted to help...
Let me out!

Yea! You're back.

That same night Aiden was trying to make a snowflake with a tortilla, but he got a little carried away.

Hudson definitely takes after me...

Mopping at 14 months. Makes this Momma proud ;)

Trying to get a trash bag in the trash can. What a smarty pants!

A couple of weeks ago a bunch of us took our kid's to one of the many indoor play places here in Korea. Will totally miss these. This one was called Tiger World and it was awesome!
Playing on the little soccer field.

In one of the many little house play places.

Loved the ball pit.
Favorite was definitely the cars. This was the best pic. I got. He is blurry in all the rest because he's bouncing up and down so much.
Aiden jumpin on "Cloud in Sky" those names.

Last weekend we went up to Seoul. We were looking for a beer fridge, but didn't find one that we liked. However, the market was interesting. Restaurant supplies galore...

Alley after alley of this. Crazy.
The front of the market.
Fish anyone? We also saw a dog for sale. Skinned and cut open with it's head still on and teeth still in it's mouth. 2.5 years in Korea and it was our first time to actually see a dog like that. The practice of eating dog still goes on here, but mostly with the older generation. I wanted to take a pic, but the lady wouldn't let me. Our thought was if you're going to do it, do it and own it. Don't try to hide it. Oh well, it was pretty gross anyway.

He's discovered M&M's...
and he a monster! Left this in the pantry not closed well and Hud spilled them. We couldn't pick them up fast enough. He kept trying to get them before we could. It was really funny.

We also hit up Insadong one more time. It's the art district in Seoul. Will really miss it.

We picked up 5 pairs of these lovelies. Rice paper wrapped chop sticks.

One last Insadong pic...
Giant brush statue. Will miss collecting those, also.

Our little valentine found Elaina's vaccum (with her help). And he LOVES it. He drags it around the house with him everywhere. Sure wish it really worked.
Getting the kitchen.
Done with Aiden's room and on his way to Elaina's.

Our sweet Valentine' these kid's more than anything.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Night-Night, Night-Night, Night-Night

Hudson saw his night-night in the dryer and this is what happened....No words needed!