Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Hudson rolled over on March 17! He hasn't done it since, but I figure he's done it once, so I know he'll (eventually) do it again! He goes for his 4 month check up tomorrow and everyone is trying to guess how much he weighs...the most is 20!! I'll keep you posted! I feel like I don't do a great job of pics with this little guy, but I really am SO busy! I didn't get a photo/video of him rolling, but here he is right after....

Smiling at his sister right after he rolled over!

Our little leprechauns doing tummy time together!

In other Smiley news Aiden made blue belt in Taekwon-do. He is very proud of himself!

A and Kristana tested togther!

Ummm...I think Aiden needs to take notes on his push up form from Kristana! What can I father like son!!

He did it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tokyo or Bust

So, my girlfriend Noelle and I got a wild hair and decided we would take the kid's (sans Daddy's) to Tokyo. Crazy...we know!! But, now that it's all said and done I'm so glad we did it. The kid's complained a lot and Aiden kept saying "I wish we were in Guam", but it's one more stamp in the kid's passport, it's more cool stories to tell their friends and I know when they're older they'll think it's pretty awesome. It's an amazing city- such a great heartbeat. If you ever have the chance to go I highly recommend it!! We got home the day before the earthquake, so we are definitely counting our blessings. If I could only express to you just how close we were to going the "next week" which would have put us there the day the earthquake hit. It was a definite God moment!! I keep saying that it was our families "guardian dog", Reese. She always was our protector!
Here is the photo proof of our time in Tokyo.

At the airport about to board the plane with our crew. Did I mention we flew standby on the Patriot Express? Yes, that's right...there was a chance we weren't going to make it on the flight home, but it was free, so we had to give it a go!

Welcome to Japan...not even in country for 1 hour and already in a Security Forces (that's the Air Force police for all you civilians) van! Maybe we should have taken that as a sign!!

In Shinjuku Station...we were so exhausted. Tokyo is NOT a stroller/handicap friendly city. We had to carry all of our luggage and Hudson in the stroller up flight after flight of stairs. On the plus sign it definitely helped with my last 15 pounds I'm trying to work off!!

If we were lucky there was an escalator!!
Where did we go on our first day in Tokyo? Disney World of course. If you notice from the Guam blog we have upgraded our monorailing!!
The crew headed into Disney Sea. It's a theme park exclusive to Disney Tokyo.

Hudson's first character (and Mom's fave when I was a little girl)!!

We found Ariel...the trip was a success for Elaina!

The next day we went to the Mengji Shrine. These posts are made out of crazy old cypress.
Sake barrels...we asked if there was a place to buy these and they basically laughed at us..they are all hand painted and represent the Sakery (like winery?) where they are made.

While at the shrine we got to see an actual wedding going on. Aren't their kimonos just beautiful!

The shrine had the kid's feeling zen like...if only if that feeling had lasted the whole trip! :)

Aiden slurping down his miso soup at a restaurant we stopped at for lunch. Yum!

The kid's at the top of The Government Building enjoying a free view of's building's as far as you can see and we could just barely see the outline of Mt. Fuji.

So much city!

Next stop was Harajaku...they say this is where style starts!

You know the Gwen Stefani song about Harajuku girls...there they are!!

We then went to's the busiest intersection in the world. If you've seen the movie Lost in Translation I hear it's in there (I haven't seen it).
Have you ever seen so many people?? I am proud to report we went in with 5 children and left with 5 children!

We went there to see the Hachiko statue. It's a statue built in honor of this dog, Hachiko, who would go meet his owner there after work everyday. Well, his owner dies and the dog doesn't know, so everyday until Hachi died he went to the station to wait for his owner. The kid's loved the story and it made us so excited to get a new puppy (or 2) when we get back to America!

This is a pic of what we were shoving children, a stroller and ourselves should have seen their faces when we would start coming!!

In a traditional Japanese garden on our way to the boat to take us to Asakusa.

The kid's in front of some cherry blossoms. They were just starting to bloom. I think it's so cool that we got to see them in Japan!

Up close and personal with some cherry blossoms!

We're on a Asakusa!

On the deck...the view didn't come out that good because of the lighting.

On the boat eating shrimp they will eat these is beyond me, but it definitely impresses me! We would not have touched stuff like that when we were their age!

Aiden eating raw shrimp sushi at Sushi Go Round...I'm telling you...the kid's the best eater in the world! We are blessed!

You pay for the sushi based on the color plate you pick up. I thought that was pretty cool!

The entrance to Asakusa.

The Fan Man...I got fussed at for photographing his work!!

I LOVED all of the entrances to the restaurants and stores. They were all so cute and well taken care of. A drastic contrast to things here in Korea!

The kid's in Roppongi (where the embassy's, etc are). The orange and white building in the background is Tokyo Tower.

The kid's enjoying some traditional Japanese tepanyaki...SOO good!

The kid's in front of the moat going into the Imperial Palace.

Look at those about a fortress!

Check out those walls...nobody is getting in here!

I like the contrast of the old and new here. You can't stop progress!

We're saying goodbye to Tokyo. This is our hotel, the New Sanno. If you're wondering where Hudson is...he's out on the curb waiting for the bus!!

This was our parting view of Tokyo outside the plane. Pretty phenomenal, huh?! The kid's refer to it as "Mountain Fuji"!