Friday, September 17, 2010

POW/MIA day flyover

Daddy was in the POW/MIA day flyover here on the base. The kiddo's and I watched it from the parking lot of the where the ceremony was. It was really fun and as you can see he did a GREAT job!! As usual we're so proud and happy he is ours!
When the video starts he is on the right and then as they go over he is on the left (you'll see what I mean)! Also, please excuse the power lines in the beginning (I didn't know what direction they were coming from and it happened too fast to try and get a better view)! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our Little Girl's 1st Day of Pre-School

Our baby girl started pre-school on Friday. She did so good! For the longest time she kept telling us she didn't want to go to school, so we thought it was going to be a disaster. Boy were we wrong! We had open house the night before and she was so excited when she saw her classrooms and realized that ALL of her friends were going to school with her. When she went to her "math class" she opened her arms and said "This is math! We get to make jewelry!" (They have strings and big beads to help them learn patterns). She clearly gets her love of math from her Daddy! ;) She then told us that she was going to make a necklace for "Mom, Daddy, baby Hudson and Aiden." to which Aiden replied "That's okay, Elaina. I don't want a necklace." She looked at him and with as much attitude as she could muster (which is LOTS) and said "Fine, then you don't get one!"
Her first day went well and she seemed to like it. I was a little sad. She's my buddy. All the other mom's were quick to point out that I'm getting another buddy, but Hudson is a boy and he won't want to shop, get mani/pedi's and play makeup. I know it's only pre-school, but time flies and it's a new stage in our lives!

All ready to go out the door!

Cutest kid's ever!

Showing off there new booksacks! Ready to go into her new "off base" school!
In front of her cubby hole!
Proud Mom and Daddy!

Had to throw this one in, too! Aiden lost another tooth and I wanted a picture of him showing off his "real" tooth fairy pillow that MeMe made him! He's so proud of the "hole in his head!"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Typhoon Kompasu and Malipo Beach

We experienced our first typhoon last week. A typhoon is a hurricane in the Pacific Ocean and they turn the other way. I woke up around 3:30 a.m. to a lot of wind (my family can sleep through ever growing belly is starting to get uncomfortable and I can hear a pin drop these days). I went back to bed and we woke up about 6:30 to wind that had died down considerabley and as we were walking down the hallway the power went out. We ended up without power for about 18 hours! Fortunately we were able to save all of our food and the only real downside was that we had to climb the stairs...all 12 flights! Now that we've "done" a typhoon we can honestly say we don't need to do that again!!

Typhooning it by candle light....only "romantic" for about 5 minutes! How did they do it in the old days??
After the typhoon we decided we were ready to get off the base, so we went with some friends to Malipo Beach which is on the west side of Korea on the Yellow Sea. It was really fun. The beach was a mess because of the typhoon, but once we walked past the trash it was great. Here's a quote from our Laina when she first saw the beach: "Why did you bring me here? This place is disgusting!" To quote our friend, Jeff, "She is high maintenance!" But, we love her to bits!

The fam at the beach (prettiest thing we've seen in Korea so far!)
Kristana, Aiden, Elaina and Chloe showing off some of the starfish they caught. By far the coolest thing about Korean beaches...the shells and starfish...that was a first for this family!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Aiden's a First Grader!

I keep saying it, but it's not slowing down...time flies! Aiden started first grade on Monday! He is such a big boy! He has had a great first week so far and we are so pleased. His teacher seems to be fantastic and he has some good buddies in class with him. His only complaint so far is "I have to sit alot and my muscles get sore." There are no more centers, no more free time and nightly homework assingments starting next week (I think I can help until about 6th grade and then Dad's going to have to take over :)) We are so proud of our big boy! He really is the best kid in the world.

Our handsome boy about to start first grade!

Of course Laina has to get in on the picture action, too!!