Saturday, February 26, 2011


We got home 2 weeks ago from a wonderful, relaxing vacation on a tiny little island in Micronesia, called Guam. It's a great island. It was exactly what the doctor ordered...warm weather and very relaxing. We couldn't have asked for more. It's a U.S. territory, so it was so so so WONDERFUL to have American things....American cars, American restaurants, American was a fantastic change from Korea. Also, I will segway a bit here...we are extending in Korea. A great job opportunity came up that Patrick felt like he couldn't pass up. So, we'll be here 6 months longer than originally planned for a total of 13 more months left in country (yes, I'm counting!) I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm happy that Patrick has gotten this opportunity, but I had started my less than 1 year countdown and was looking forward to getting an assignment, but on the plus side Patrick promised us a trip to Australia and New Zealand if he got the job, so in the fall we will be going on our second vacation of a lifetime...there's always a silver lining, right?

I digress...back to the vacation!

Hudson's first plane ride...he did great!!

I forgot to mention that the Super Bowl was on our first day in Guam. So, here's the crew ready to watch! What a great way to start off our vacation...a Packer Victory!! Go Pack Go!

Hudson's got his toes in the water! His first time in the ocean. It was the Philippine Sea! If someone had said to me when I was 15 that in 15 years I would have 3 kid's and we'd be playing in the Philippine Sea I would have NEVER believed it!

My boy's soaking up some sun first thing in the morning!

I also didn't mention that we went with our closest friends here, the Ferguson's. This is E and Chloe building a sandcastle!

Elaina wanted to go in a 'boat' and of course she picked the swan...gotta love that girl! What a guy!!! He took ALL the kid's on a boat BY HIMSELF!
Momma and Hud playing in the pool!

The Smiley's and the Ferguson's out for a real Japanese was delicious!
Daddy making Hudson smile. Also, that is one of Aiden's old outfits. It's funny how much he looks like Aiden ecsecially when he's in his clothes! We call him Aiden all the time!
On the bridge up to some waterfalls...check out our little poser!

The fam in front of the falls...the noise put Hud right to sleep!

Still posing on another bridge!
Check out the "monorail"!! Just like Disneyworld, right? Notice that it's got a lawn mower engine for a motor! Nothing but the best for these families! Notice Lenny is doleing out drinks...we needed them for this ride!

Momma and Hudson ready for a ride...hold on tight!
Noelle's ready...the track was roller coaster tracks!

What you ask, did we take the monorail ride for? For this...a cave that a Japanese soldier hid in for 30 years. They tried to tell him several times that the war was over, but he didn't believe it. He thought as soon as he came out he would be killed. It took them 30 years to convince him otherwise. We all decided that he must have just been crazy....why else would you live in a cave for 30 years!!

Here is an explanation if you're interested. The kid's were completely fascinated by this story, so it was a great teaching opportunity. They asked a lot of really good questions and the guy's ended up telling them the whole story about World War II.
A, Kristana, Chloe and Jeff in front of a drawing of what the inside of his cave looked like. It was only 3 feet high!

A group shot on our way back from the cave on the monorail!

Pigs, roosters and dogs oh my!
We went to a really neat night market that the locals put on...this is the kid's in front of one of the booth's!

Here they are with a 65 year old coconut crab. Please notice the looks on our children's faces...they are not all that into this!
Aiden came around...I think he just wanted to look cool, but Elaina never did!
Water buffalo....we must be in Asia!
The fam with a water buffalo!

The next night was family picture night. Here are some of our faves...yes, she's still posing!
Aiden climbing a palm tree...such a handsome boy, huh?!

Our sweet Hudson rolling around in the grass...with spit up running down his shirt...he's such a Smiley baby!
Our babies...could they be sweeter, cuter, or more precious?? I think not!
The fam with the sun setting. Such fun and so beautiful!
Are those colors amazing or what? Wish we could go back!!
P and I got a date night after photos and Jeff and Noelle took the kid's. Here they are in the aquarium gift shop.
Now doing some hot tubbing!

The next night was Jeff and Noelle's turn for a date and we took the kid's to Chuck E Cheese!! Yep...just like America!
The fam on our last morning on the beach!
On our way to the airport we stopped at Two Lover's Point. We were so glad we did. Check out that view. Just wish we'd had our good camera. We had to use our 'little' one since the nice one was packed.
Check out that water...AMAZING!!
Here are a few fun shots I wanted to throw in...

We took Elaina to get her hair trimmed and the lady curled it for her. She was so proud of these curls! She kept telling us how beautiful she looked!

You know you have kid's when you're all dressed up for a formal and you forget to get a pic of yourselves all dressed up, but take one of your sweet hubby and cute daughter 'dancing' since 'Daddy looks like a Prince!"

This is what happens when Hudson does tummy time...he lays on the floor and sucks on his fist...we are completely positive he'll be rolling by college :)

Me and my loves!

Monday, February 14, 2011

That's How He Tells Me He Loves Me

We just got home from Guam, so standby for a BIG post. Until then here is sweet pic and story of Elaina and Hudson. She was helping me make him smile by saying "Tell Elaina you love her." When he started smiling she said "Momma, when Hudson smiles at me that's how he tells me he loves me, right?" She just melts our hearts!

I couldn't catch his big smile fast enough, but here's a little one!

She just loves her baby brother!