Sunday, November 1, 2009

Korean Folk Village/Halloween

This is yet another bombardment of pictures, but hopefully you don't mind and enjoy them. We got up early on Halloween and drove up to the Korean Folk Village. It was very interesting and educational. After the village we drove home, did a quick change and went trick or treating on base in the towers. We never thought we would be excited about trick or treating in an apartment complex, but last night we were so grateful because it was pouring down rain! Our Ariel and Batman had a great time and got tons of candy....which Dad was the first to go through and "taste test"! At then end I'm throwing in a couple of extra pics of some of the other things we did this week! Keep checking back for more updates...we've got a lot going on!
In front of a traditional Korean Prayer Tower. They pile up rocks and then say a prayer. This tower was already built, so they tie there prayer requests to the tower. All the white paper is prayer requests.
This is a fence...isn't the detail amazing?!
At a traditional Korean wedding. They said this is considered a very expensive wedding (I wonder what they would think of our "traditional" $30,000 + weddings!
We just wanted to show off the BEAUTIFUL fall colors here...really reminded us of's neat here, but we really miss home!
The girls with the fall colors in front of some kimchi pots.
Korean Pagoda...just love all that detail.
Making paper...really cool to's a lot of work!
On a real log bridge...pretty cool, huh?!
Eating take your shoes off and sit on the floor almost everywhere...please note that the kid's are eating lunchables....totally NOT Korean!
Who knew Korea could be so beautiful!
Aiden and I trying to work an old fashioned mill. Trust me it's not as easy as it looks...that took some real talent!
In front of a worship spot (look at the Buddha right behind Elaina's head).
We have no idea what these are, but they made a good picture!
They had a traditional Korean dance contest going on while we were there and these were the musicians....they only played drums.
The dancers...they all wore different masks and some of them were a little creepy.
It's Batman and Ariel! Must be time for some Trick or Treating!
Mom and her little Trick or Treaters!
We got issued our "chem gear" at the beginning of the week...these are our gas masks...really creepy! I'm sure we won't have to use them, they are there as a "just in case". They have a plan set up should North Korea try to do anything stupid that involves getting the kid's, me and Reese out before anything major would ever go down.
We went to "E-Mart" the Korean version of Target and they have these REALLY cool escalators for your buggy! USA...take notes!

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