The true tales of 5 Smiley's living in Korea
He let MeMe hold the board and here he is VERY proud of himself for getting that green belt! For the record...I have NEVER gotten to hold the board!
Then we went on a girl's shopping trip to Seoul.
Here we are in Ms. Lee's house purse shopping. She does NOT allow pics, so that's why this one is not very good, but she has purses and wallets everywhere...it's nuts!
Now we're almost caught up. Thanksgiving came and went without too much fanfare. We participated in the Thunderbolt Feast again this year. Dad's squadron makes all the food and we serve it up at the high school cafeteria to all of the maintainers. It's a lot of fun and definitely a feel good experience!
E putting the turkey faces on the cupcakes in her cute apron from MeMe!
The birthday girl with her loot for her family party!
Being sung to at Chili's...it's all Korean employees and they come out and just shout "Birthday" about 50 times! It's quite the experience! Sorry the pic is bad...I hit a button on my camera and changed the setting without realizing it.
E wanted our besties, Chloe and Kristana, to come to her birthday dinner!
On Friday we had Aiden's school character parade and Mrs. Crosby, Aiden's teacher, was nice enough to let Elaina march in it, too!
Luke Skywalker walking by!
On Saturday morning we got up early and got ready for the kid's combined birthday party! It was really fun and God blessed us with the most beautiful weather you could ask for! We had a few games for the kid's to play and some fun Halloween inspired food! A pretty great day for the Smiley kiddo's!
Happy Birthday, Aiden! He wanted a mummy cake, so I improvised and made mummy cupcakes!
On Sunday it was Halloween! We live in towers here, so it makes it nice because you don't have to dress warm for the cold weather since you don't have to go outside! Our doorbell rang and I thought it was going to be our friends and this is what we opened the door to!
Our little Peacock Princess aka the Peacock candy nazi! When we got home we let her be in charge of handing out candy. Heaven forbid you try to take more than the 1 TINY piece she gave you or ask for something different...she was going to bite your head off! She was yelling at kid's "You got your 1 piece! Do NOT take anymore from our bucket!" It was hillarious! Luke Skywalker showing off his light sabre skills...pretty intimidating, huh?!
Our Trick or Treating Babies!
We went trick or treating with Chloe and Kristana!