Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Official...They Are Smarter Than Us

Here's a couple of funnies from the big two...

Elaina was playing with Dad's Itouch and asked to call MeMe and Pop P (it was probably 2 am in LA). I told her she couldn't because the Itouch wasn't a telephone it just looked like one. Well, silly me. I forgot that we had downloaded skype on the Itouch. About 30 seconds goes by and I hear a phone ringing VERY quietly. Smarty pants had figured out how to open skype, go to contacts and call MeMe and Pop P. Fortunately they were out cold and didn't hear their computer ring!!

Let me start the story with this...Dad always tells Aiden "If you play too many video games your brain will turn to Jell-o." So, I took Aiden to the ER lastnight (he's fighting a virus and had a pretty high fever that made me nervous). The doc was done checking him out and asked him "Do you have any questions for me?" He looked at me with a little smirk, then at the doc and said "I have a question for you. Can your brain turn to Jell-o?" She looked at him (then at me like 'this family is nuts') and I told her what his Daddy tells him. She looked back at Aiden and said "Well, technically your brain can't turn to Jell-o, but if you play too many video games it can turn mushy and you do not want a mushy brain." As soon as she left I called home and said "They're smarter than us" while Aiden was chanting "Liar liar pants on fire!" Funny kid!

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