Sunday, August 28, 2011

We Have a 2nd Grader!!

Aiden was so cute this morning he was up at 6 and dressed and ready to go. We all walked him to school this morning and I took a bunch of pictures. By the end he said "Mom, it's not like I'm going to college. You sleep there." To which I said "If this is how I am for 2nd grade imagine how many pics I'll take when you go to college!" At least he has a sense of humor about it all, right?

Momma's sweet boy's all ready to go!

Our big second grader on his way out the door.

3 years in a row of this exact same picture!

This one, also...except we've added another kid!!

In his classroom. It's interesting how much his classrooms have changed over the years. Look at how sparse this one is. I guess that means he's growing up!

In the cafeteria with his buddies, Collin and Colesie.

At his desk with his best buddy, Collin. They have been in the same class for 3 years now!

Here's a few miscellaneous pics that I've taken over the past couple of weeks...

Only in a car seat laws in taxi's!

Woo Hoo! The Balettie's are back! This is one of my dearest friends, Christa...we were stationed toghether 9 years ago at DM. Love that about the AF!

At the 4/9 market with Ellen and Hannah. This is a crate full of baby chicks. The guy kept telling us w500-that's about 50 cents. No thanks!

E with a baby chick. No matter how cute you are holding the cute baby chick the answer is still no...sorry, kiddo! Mom and Daddy do NOT like birds!

Here's a few shots of our 9 month old (on Thurs) hambone. He is so much fun and has such a huge personality already. As I write this he's trying to pull up on the chair and computer and everything else. He falls all the time, but is so wanting to walk to be with his brother and sister we're sure it's only a matter of time.

Doing his super cheesey smile-he does this when I pull out the camera. It cracks us up!

Now a normal smile...

Back to super cheesey with a mouth full of food. Oh sweet boy, never lose your silliness. We just love it so much!

Pulling down the stack of books that live under the end table. Another one of your favorite things to just like watching Momma clean them all up!

While I cook he sits and fusses for me to pick him up, so we've had to get creative during dinner time. This was a hit, but then you feel like you should just take him straight to the tub.

Our little love loves to eat eat eat! Here he is going for sister's corn dog and chips...he got 'em!
This guy is into everything (you forget that about babies). I was working on a sewing project and he was helping.

Trying to pull himself up using Mommy's leg.

I think he's going to be a climber/gymnast like his big brother was. He was sitting in this chair with a bottle and I turned around to find this....we can't take our eyes off of this guy!

Last, but not least....

Our cups runneth over. 3 best kids in the world right here!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Hudson is so cute. Showed these to Sarah-the one of him next to the books on the floor is our favorite.
    And Elaina looks like such a little girl now!
    Sweet family, Erin,
    -Littlest brother
