Our last couple of days in Australia were really fun. We went to a crocodile farm, another wildlife center, the pool and beach.
First up the crocodile farm. We were actually pretty excited about this, but it was kind of a bust. They took us to a farm where they breed crocs for there skins (we knew that was coming), but they advertise it with a boat ride where you look for crocs in the wild. Well, we were thinking it would be like a good old south Louisiana swamp tour. It was. Minus ANY wild life. While on the boat they told us that there are only 200 wild crocs in Cairns. Oh well, it was still a neat experience.
Hud doesn't like crocs and Elaina doesn't like ducks. At least 100 of them coming after her and pecking her feet for food. She is much too girly.
Daddy had to carry her out of there. She was not going to walk through that sea of ducks again.
That afternoon we hung by the pool.
My sweet babies and me. Ahh...love!
SERIOUSLY!! Have you EVER seen anything cuter? Seriously!
These were the signs up at the beach....
Aiden is NOT scared. I'm telling you this kid loves the ocean. However, Dad and I aren't totally crazy. Do you see the giant white tube thing behind him? It's a stinger net. So, you are pretty safe swimming in those.
Elaina is not into the ocean. She can't stand up in the waves, so she went coconut hunting and found one-pretty proud!
Doesn't she look like Fiona? This was the messiest ice cream and we had to really scrub to get it off.
Our last day in Sydney we found a park near our hotel and just enjoyed yet another lovely walk and some open spaces before we headed back home. We had an amazing time. We are still talking about our adventures and I'm sure we will be talking about the memories we made for many many moons!
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