Friday, October 16, 2009

Leaving On A Jet Plane...

don't know when I'll write again!

I can't believe the next time I write it will be from Korea aka "the land of the not quite right"! Excited and scared at the same time. Right now just wishing the flight was over. We start in New Orleans at 5 am Sunday and land in Seoul at 4:30 pm Monday....when it's all said and done we'll have been traveling for 25+ hours! Please remember us in your prayers!

On a side note we already have a "villa" (what they call town homes) and the movers came. So, I CAN NOT wait to crawl into my own bed after that flight and see our stuff! I'm just happy we have home sweet home #7!!

A few Patrick funnies!

He bought our 1st car over cost a whopping $1,500! (don't worry, I'll post pics) He had to pay cash for it and they're biggest won (Korean money) is the 10,000 won which is less than $10 US dollars! He said he's never had that many bills on him in his life...on a side note our rent is 1.5 million won and we have to pay that in cash...I think we'll need a suitcase to haul the money around!

When Patrick went and met with his realtor, Maria, (from Obama realty...all the names are something American) she told him to wait in the front of the store while she made a call. While he was waiting a man came in the front door and said "You wan to see houses?" Patrick said Yes and the guy told him to get in his car. He assumed Maria had called and told him to take him. They were looking at the 2nd house when Maria walked in. They had an argument in Korean and the guy left and Maria said "You come with me now". Patrick had no idea what was going on and when he asked Maria she said he was from another real estate company and was trying to steal Patrick for the commission! Ethics, anyone?

I think this is going to be an interesting 2 years!


  1. So excited for you! I thought the car you got was more expensive. Did you not go with the minivan or did Patrick talk him down!? I can't wait to hear about the flight

  2. That's freakin' funny.
    Also a little bit scary to think if someone tried to take advantage of ya'll.

    All the more reason to learn some Korean, I say...

    You guys are there, by now, I hope it was a great and safe trip!

    What's ya'll's address there?
    -Littlest Brother
