Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Reese Ruckus

Reese, our mastiff, is to put it nicely, kind of a grouch to strangers. She can't help it. Her job is after all to protect her family and believe me she does! (She only truly likes 8 people...the 4 of us, my Mom and Dad, Auntie Chanie and Auntie LoLo.) Having said that you can imagine our concerns with taking her to DFW to get on the plane. We had a rolling kennel (in theory a good idea...in actuality, not). The 4 TINY wheels carrying a total weight of 150+ pounds kept falling off! I digress, we finally get in line to check in and they send Patrick and Reese off to wait at the front of the line and I have to wait in line to hold their spot. It was finally our turn and the VERY tiny ticket agent from Korean Air comes over and is taping Reese's paperwork onto the kennel and Reese decides that is NOT okay with her. She let's out a mean streak of barks that shuts the entire terminal up (no joke the terminal was FULL of people talking and in 1 second went dead quiet), and the poor little gate agent throws the rest of her papers onto the ground, starts screaming at the top of her lungs and took off running down the terminal! Afterwards she walked up to Patrick handed him the tape and papers and walked away without a word. I don't think we're going to have to worry about our Reese becoming dinner!

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