Friday, October 21, 2011

One Last Post

I know I said no more posts before we leave, but I wanted to get these off my camera and only have Australia to blog about! For the record we are leaving in 6.5 hours and I have not even started to pack us up. Can we all say procrastinator???

Hudson has started standing up on his own for about 20 seconds. He also pushes anything that will move across the floor. I sure am glad he's getting a walker for his birthday! He'll be walking before we know it.

Aiden asked to put this on his door! It was a pretty funny exchange:

Aiden: Dad can I put this on my door?
Dad: Sure, but we're not following your rule.
Aiden: Okay.

There was a fini flight yesterday. That's when a guy flies for the last time at the base before they move. One of the guy's asked Dad to fly with him, so that made it really fun. Unfortunately you never know where the guys are going to park, so we didn't see Dad until he was walking towards us.

Uncle Tank making Hudson fly! What fun!

Seriously! Am I lucky or what?! What a HOTTY!!

The guy's who flew in the fini. Cheech, Vino, Clarence and Butters!

Quick family shot before we go inside!

Lastnight our squadron wives performed Thriller at Membership Night. It was really fun and really well recieved. We had a really good time.

Chanie and I all zombie'd up!

Elaina had her friend, Anna, sleep over and they decided they wanted to do zombie makeup to, so we let 'em go! Pretty scarey, huh!?

From Glamour Girls to Zombie Girls all in one week-AAAAAHHHH!

Some of the wives all dressed up.

Poor Dad, his date to the prom is dead!

Doing the "Zombie Freestyle" during Thriller.

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